1:1 耶稣基督,大卫的子孙,亚伯拉罕子孙的家谱:
The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham:
1:2 亚伯拉罕生以撒,以撒生雅各,雅各生犹大和他的弟兄们,
Abraham begot Isaac, and Isaac begot Jacob, and Jacob begot Judah and his brothers,
1:3 犹大从他玛氏生法勒斯和谢拉,法勒斯生希斯仑,希斯仑生亚兰,
And Judah begot Pharez and Zarah of Tamar, and Pharez begot Hezron, and Hezron begot Aram,
1:4 亚兰生亚米拿达,亚米拿达生拿顺,拿顺生撒门,
And Aram begot Aminadab, and Aminadab begot Nahshon, and Nahshon begot Salmon,
1:5 撒门从喇合氏生波阿斯,波阿斯从路得氏生俄备得,俄备得生耶西,
And Salmon begot Boaz of Rahab, and Boaz begot Obed of Ruth, and Obed begot Jesse,
1:6 耶西生大卫王。大卫从作过乌利亚妻子的生所罗门,
And Jesse begot David the king. And David begot Solomon of her who had been the wife of Uriah,
1:7 所罗门生罗波安,罗波安生亚比雅,亚比雅生亚撒,
And Solomon begot Rehoboam, and Rehoboam begot Abijah, and Abijah begot Asa,
1:8 亚撒生约沙法,约沙法生约兰,约兰生乌西亚,
And Asa begot Jehoshaphat, and Jehoshaphat begot Joram, and Joram begot Uzziah,
1:9 乌西亚生约坦,约坦生亚哈斯,亚哈斯生希西家,
And Uzziah begot Jotham, and Jotham begot Ahaz, and Ahaz begot Hezekiah,
1:10 希西家生玛拿西,玛拿西生亚们,亚们生约西亚。
And Hezekiah begot Manasseh, and Manasseh begot Amon, and Amon begot Josiah.
1:11 在迁徙巴比伦的时候,约西亚生耶哥尼雅和他的弟兄们。
And Josiah begot Jeconiah and his brothers at the time of the deportation to Babylon.
1:12 迁徙到巴比伦以后,耶哥尼雅生撒拉铁,撒拉铁生所罗巴伯,
And after the deportation to Babylon, Jeconiah begot Salathiel, and Salathiel begot Zerubbabel,
1:13 所罗巴伯生亚比玉,亚比玉生以利亚敬,以利亚敬生亚所,
And Zerubbabel begot Abiud, and Abiud begot Eliakim, and Eliakim begot Azor,
1:14 亚所生撒督,撒督生亚金,亚金生以律,
And Azor begot Zadok, and Zadok begot Achim, and Achim begot Eliud,
1:15 以律生以利亚撒,以利亚撒生马但,马但生雅各,
And Eliud begot Eleazar, and Eleazar begot Matthan, and Matthan begot Jacob,
1:16 雅各生约瑟,就是马利亚的丈夫,那称为基督的耶稣,是从马利亚生的。
And Jacob begot Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ.
1:17 这样,从亚伯拉罕到大卫,共十四代;从大卫到迁徙巴比伦,也是十四代;从迁徙巴比伦到基督,又是十四代。
Thus all the generations from Abraham until David are fourteen generations, and from David until the deportation to Babylon, fourteen generations, and from the deportation to Babylon until the Christ, fourteen generations.