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6-12岁*短剧 | 感恩的牺牲 A THANKFUL SACRIFICE














大卫:(拿着篮球) 是的!我等不及打球了。我迫不及待地想上场。这会是一场精彩的比赛。

:当然! 我没想到我会入选球队,但我很高兴我入选了。

艾丽西亚:嗯,父母教导我,可以为一切事情祷告,神会听的。有时他的回答是 "不",但我非常感恩,这次他的回答是 "是"。

大卫:你说 "神回答了你的祷告 "是什么意思?













大卫:啊! 这是个有趣的比赛。我等不及地想在下周再玩一次!


:非常棒的! 艾丽西亚,你做的真的很好。


大卫:你说得对,艾丽西亚。你向神祷告篮球的事,让我觉得很奇怪。然后你放弃了比赛位置! 现在我可以看出,神对你很重要,因为你可以放弃一些东西来善待别人。


艾丽西亚:你可以的!因为我认识神,相信耶稣。他们给了我力量和勇气为他人做牺牲。我的心已经改变! 而你们每个人也可以有这种心的改变。






*** 英文版 *******


The children will act out a skit about thankfulness and sacrifice. (This skit is for Seven: Narrator, David, Ben, Alica, Tasha, Two other team mates [no speaking role]) by Leah Pittsinger TOPICS: Thankfulness MATERIALS: Skit handout [PDF] Click here Basketball, whistle, four chairs

DURATION: Approximately 10 minutes

Narrator Four friends are excited that they made the schools’ basketball team. David, Alicia, and Ben to take their positions on the basketball court with two other teammates while Tasha sits quietly on the sideline.

David(Holding the basketball) Yes! I can’t wait to play. This is going to be an awesome game. BenIt sure is! I didn’t think I’d make the team, but I’m sure glad I did.

AliciaWell, my parents taught me that I can pray about everything and God will listen. Sometimes His answer is “no,” but I’m so thankful that this time His answer was, “yes!”

DavidWhat do you mean, “God answered your prayer?”

AliciaGod cares about every aspect of our lives.

BenOkay, Alicia…sounds kind of strange to pray about basketball, but I guess you can do whatever you want.

Narrator(Blows the whistle.)

AliciaCome on, it’s time to start the game!

NarratorThe three friends begin playing the game with two other teammates. Soon Alicia notices Tasha looking sad on the sideline as she watches the other kids play. Alicia runs over to her during a time out.

AliciaTasha, are you okay?

Tasha I guess. It’s just I thought someone would trade spots with me by now but I’m still sitting here alone. I’d love to play with you guys!

AliciaWell, tell you what – how about taking my place for a little while? I wouldn’t mind getting a rest. Plus, I’m just thankful to be on the team, so I’d love to share some playing time with you!

TashaYou would do that for me?! Are you sure you don’t mind?

AliciaNot at all. (The narrator blows the whistle again.) Go join the team, and I’ll sit here until someone else needs to trade with me.

Tasha(Hugs Alicia) Thank you so much, Alicia! You are the best friend.

NarratorTasha joins the team as they start to play again. The players trade in and out of the game until the last whistle (blows the whistle). All four friends sit together after the end of the game.

DavidPhew! That was a fun game. I can’t wait to play again next week!

TashaMe either. And can you believe that Alicia traded spots with me so I could play?!

BenThat was pretty awesome! Alicia, that was a really nice thing to do.

AliciaWell, guys it’s not that big of a deal. If we all just work together, share, and make sacrifices for one another then we will be a really great team!

DavidI think you’re right, Alicia. I thought it was weird that you prayed to God about basketball. And then you also gave up your playing spot! But now I can see that God is important to you because you are okay with giving up something to be kind to someone else.

BenYeah, I don’t think I could ever do that.

AliciaYes, you could! Because I know God and believe in Jesus, they give me the strength and courage to make sacrifices for others. My heart is changed! And each of you can have a heart change too.

TashaWe could? I would love to be able to show kindness like you have, Alicia. I will never forget the sacrifice you made for me today. How can a know more about God and Jesus? DavidYeah, how can we know more?

AliciaWell, how about you all come over to my house to celebrate winning the game? And then I can show you in the Bible how to know God and believe in Jesus.

BenThat sounds great!

NarratorThe four friends hustle off the basketball court and excitedly get ready to go to Alicia’s house. Because Alicia was thankful to God, she was willing to make a sacrifice that pleased God. And because she made the sacrifice, her friends wanted to know more about Him. Never forget that showing thankfulness to God can have a lasting impact on the people around you.


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