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  • 羊之门-编译组

青少年教程 (约翰福音*第4课) | 耶稣和另外三个人






























分组阅读 约翰福音3:1-21








分组阅读 约翰福音4:1-26







分组阅读 约翰福音5:1-15




3.你觉得耶稣为什么问他:“你想要痊愈么?” (因为有时候人并不想变得更好,他们破罐子破摔,这样更容易,等等。)

















阅读 路加福音10:9



阅读 约翰福音7:50,约翰福音19:39





阅读 约翰福音4:39-42























**** 英文版 *******

Gospel of John

Lesson 4: Jesus and Three Other People



1. To provide students with an overview understanding of the Gospel of John

2. To introduce students to three people Jesus meets and heals in John 3-5

3. To inspire students to care for people the way Jesus does


Believing, Caring, Choices, Eternal Life, Evangelism, Influence, Light

Scripture Memorization

John 3:16-17

OPENING PRAYER (5 to 10 minutes)

GROUP BUILDING (10 minutes)

The point of our game today is to see who can keep a straight face the longest. Not only are you not permitted to laugh, but you’re not permitted to smile. You are also not permitted to close your eyes. Here’s how it goes:

• Everyone sit in a fairly tight circle.

• One by one, people take turns saying the phrase, “Hi. Ha. He.”

• Then it’s the next person’s turn.

• If you laugh or smile, you have to leave the circle.

• Have the circle form in tighter as people are eliminated.

• The person who keeps a straight face the longest is the winner and champion.

This game has nothing to do with today’s lesson, but it is a lot of fun!


General Discussion:

• What do we know about the Gospel of John so far? Who wrote it? (John wrote it.)

• What is the purpose of his writing? (So that people might believe that Jesus is the Christ and have life through Him.)

• What evidences have we talked about so far? (The Word became flesh, the changing of water into wine, John the Baptist’s testimony, etc.)

Today, we’re going to pick up the pace a bit and actually cover three chapters — John 3 thru 5. In the end, we’ll see that God is calling us to be like Jesus in our desire to love everyone and invite everyone to follow Christ.

DIGGING IN (20 minutes)

Today, we’re going to examine the conversations Jesus has with three different people. On the surface, these three people don’t have a thing in common. However, by the time we’re finished, we’ll see that they share at least two things, despite their obvious differences. Those two things they share will inform how we should view others as well — that they all need Jesus and that Jesus invited them all.

To cover this much ground in a single sitting, we need to divide and conquer. I’m going to give each of you (individuals or a smaller subset of your group) a passage to read. Then we’ll get back together and talk through it all.

(Once you’ve given the three groups five minutes or so to read their texts, ask each group the questions which follow.)

Have one group read John 3:1-21

Discussion Questions:

1. Who does Jesus talk to in this text? (Nicodemus.)

2. What do we know about this person? (Nicodemus is a Pharisee.)

3. Why do you think Nicodemus visits Jesus at night? (He was doing something his contemporaries would’ve frowned upon and wanted to go unnoticed.)

4. At this stage, what does Nicodemus believe about Jesus? (That He is a great teacher, sent from God.)

5. What does Jesus attempt to make plain to him? (That He is the Son of Man and that if Nicodemus believes in Him, he can have eternal life.)

6. At the end of the passage, does Nicodemus believe? (We don’t know; we are not told.)

Have one group read John 4:1-26

Discussion Questions:

1. Who does Jesus talk to in this text? (A Samaritan woman.)

2. What do we know about this person? (She has had many husbands. Jews generally looked down on Samaritans. She is living with a man to whom she is not married. She understands and can recite religious language. She is likely not living a godly life.)

3. Why do you think this woman is at the well in the middle of the day, and there is no one else around? (She goes to the well when no one else is around, as most people visited the well in the morning. She likely did this out of shame due to her reputation.)

4. What does Jesus attempt to make plain to the woman? (That He is the water of life that will cause her to thirst no more if she trusts in Him.)

5. At the end of the passage, does the woman believe? (She sees that He is a teacher or prophet, but we don’t know, John doesn’t say…yet.)

Have one group read John 5:1-15

Discussion Questions:

1. Who does Jesus talk to in this text? (A paralyzed man.)

2. What do we know about this man? (He’s been paralyzed for 38 years, no one will help him into the pool for healing.)

3. Why do you think Jesus asks him “Do you want to get well?” (Because sometimes people don’t want to get better, they want to stay broken, it’s easier, etc.)

4. What does Jesus attempt to make plain to this man? (That He has the power to heal, if the man really wants to be healed.)

5. At the end of this passage, does the man believe in Jesus? (It doesn’t seem so. In fact, he goes to the religious leaders and tells them what happened.)

MAKING IT REAL (30 minutes)

While there is a lot different about these three people to whom Jesus talks, what they have in common provides the take away for us today — that everybody needs Jesus and that Jesus invites everybody.

Everybody Needs Jesus

All three of these people need Jesus: the religious professional, the immoral Samaritan woman, and the paralyzed man by the pool. In Christ’s eyes, they have at least one thing in common — they need Him.

General Discussion:

• Do you think in the modern Church that we view people this way, or do you think we categorize them differently? (We often do look at people differently, some more lost than others, some more likely to turn to Jesus than others, etc.)

• Are there people who you assume are too far gone to be saved? What types of people do you sometimes find yourself putting in that category? (Kids on drugs, troublemakers, bullies, etc.)

• Are there people, like Nicodemus, who you think don’t need Jesus because they seem to have it together on the outside? (Lots of religious people seem to be good, but still need Jesus desperately)

For us, for one reason or another, we often look at some people as off-limits. But the truth is, Jesus invites everybody.

Jesus Invites Everybody

General Discussion:

• Can you think of anyone you know of that Jesus meets that He does not invite into a relationship with Him? (No.)

• Why would John have put these stories back-to-back-to-back, since they involve such a variety of characters? (To show us that in Jesus’ eyes everyone is someone with a story who needs an invitation for salvation.)

Jesus’ purpose was to seek and save that which was lost.

Read Luke 10:9

If Jesus’ purpose is to invite everybody into a relationship with Him, our purpose should be the same.

There’s one more thing we need to realize about these passages.

Read John 7:50, John 19:39

Discussion Questions:

1. Why do you think Nicodemus is present at these occasions? What do you think he believes about Jesus now? (Nicodemus believes in Him more so, for sure, because these are public actions.)

2. Do you think Joseph invited Nicodemus or the other way around? (We don’t know for sure, but it’s quite possible Nicodemus is the one who told Joseph about Jesus.)

That John mentions these two men by name in his Gospel likely means they had become believers. Who invited who to get to know Jesus we cannot know for sure. But they both met Jesus, and one likely invited the other. Perhaps they were good friends. Either way, their belief is definitely more certain at this stage than when we first meet Nicodemus in John 3.

Read John 4:39-42

Discussion Questions:

1. Who believes in this passage and why? (Many believe “because of” the woman’s testimony, many more believe because of Jesus’ own words.)

2. By calling Jesus the Savior of the World, what do they tell the woman? (That they have heard for themselves and don’t simply believe because of her testimony.)

Sometimes when we invite others to believe, they see for themselves that Jesus is Lord.

But not always.

When We Invite Others, Others Come…but Not Always

Read John 5:16-18

Discussion Questions:

1. What did Jesus do on the Sabbath that caused the Jewish leaders to begin persecuting Him? (Jesus healed the man and told him to take up his mat and walk.)

2. What is the response of the Jewish hierarchy when they hear what the man says? (Confronting and persecuting Jesus.)

In this last of the three encounters, we learn one very sad truth — even a miracle will not convince everyone. Jesus does not persuade everyone to follow Him. But it doesn’t stop Him from inviting people into His open arms. Nor should it stop us. You are not called to be successful. You are called to be faithful.

Like Jesus, love everyone.

Like Jesus, invite everyone.

Like Jesus, you’ll not convince everyone.

Love and invite everyone anyway.

Invite students to think of three people:

1. Someone who is a really good person but doesn’t know Jesus, like Nicodemus.

2. Someone who is known for immorality and not being such a good person, like the woman at the well.

3. Someone with a physical limitation of some kind.

Have them spend some time praying for those three people, by name, and make an opportunity to talk to each of the three about Jesus. Give students a few minutes to pray silently, then close for your group in prayer.

CLOSING PRAYER (3 minutes)

Pray for your group to have an opportunity to invite others to follow Jesus.


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