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儿童晚祷 | 我们的帮手 Our Helper /附音频

英文环境 1) 听英文 2)长辈读中文 3)一起祷告
中文环境 1) 长辈读中文 2)听英文 3)一起祷告时间 大约五分钟。

Our Helper

Jack is making a big mess. But he isn't getting upset. Jack is being patient and doing his best to clean it up. Whether we are old or young, it is hard to do everything right. That's why God gives us a helper. Do you know who our helper is? Our helper is called the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit helps us to be patient and kind. The Holy Spirit helps us know right from wrong. The Holy Spirit fills us with love and joy. Aren't you glad he is your helper?



My Bible Verse
The Spirit gives love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. -Galatians 5:22-23
My Prayer
Thank you for the Spirit you give to help me know just how to live.

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