1:1 神的儿子,耶稣基督福音的开始,
The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God,
1:2 正如申言者以赛亚书上所记的:“看哪,我在你面前差遣我的使者,他要预备你的道路;
Even as it is written in Isaiah the prophet: "Behold, I send My messenger before Your face, who will prepare Your way,
1:3 在旷野有人声喊着:预备主的道路,修直祂的途径。”
A voice of one crying in the wilderness: Prepare the way of the Lord; make straight His paths.''
1:4 照这话,约翰出来了,在旷野施浸,传悔改的浸,使罪得赦。
John came baptizing in the wilderness and preaching a baptism of repentance for forgiveness of sins.
1:5 犹太全地和全耶路撒冷的人,都络绎的出去到约翰那里,承认着他们的罪,在约但河里受他的浸。
And all the region of Judea went out to him, and all the people of Jerusalem; and they were baptized by him in the Jordan River, as they confessed their sins.
1:6 约翰穿骆驼毛的衣服,腰束皮带,吃的是蝗虫野蜜。
And John was clothed in camel's hair and had a leather girdle around his loins, and he ate locusts and wild honey.
1:7 他传道说,有一位在我以后来的,能力比我更大,我就是弯腰给祂解鞋带也不配。
And he preached, saying, He who is stronger than I comes after me, the thong of whose sandals I am not worthy to stoop down and untie.
1:8 我是将你们浸在水里,祂却要将你们浸在圣灵里。
I have baptized you in water, but He Himself will baptize you in the Holy Spirit.