英文环境 1) 孩子读英文 2)长辈读中文 3)一起祷告
中文环境 1) 孩子读中文 2)听英文 3)一起祷告
I Love You
Now all we can see of God is like a cloudy picture in a mirror. Later we will see him face to face. We don't know everything, but then we will, just as God completely understands us. -1 Corinthians 13:12.
I love you. Take a moment, be still, and think about that. I am the Creator of the universe, the Ruler of Time, the Master of all that you see - and I love you. My Love is so big that it fills up all of space, time, and eternity.
I know that you don't fully understand the hugeness of My Love for you. You see glimpses of it now - as you feel Me guiding you, drawing you closer to Me, and answering your prayers. But one day you will see Me face-to-Face. Then you will know exactly how wide and long and high and deep My Love for you really is. For now, just know that My Love is so huge it cannot be measured. And it goes with you through every moment of every day.
Read on Your Own
Ephesians 3:16-19
That He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power through His Spirit into the inner man; That Christ may make His home in your hearts through faith, that you, being rooted and grounded in love, May be full of strength to apprehend with all the saints what the breadth and length and height and depth are; And to know the knowledge-surpassing love of Christ, that you may be filled unto all the fullness of God.
我们如今对着镜子观看,模糊不清,到那时就要面对面了。我如今所知道的是局部的,到那时就全知道,如同我全被知道一样。-哥林多前书 13:12
愿祂照着祂荣耀的丰富,藉着祂的灵,用大能使你们得以加强到里面的人里,使基督藉着信,安家在你们心里,叫你们在爱里生根立基,使你们满有力量,能和众圣徒一同领略何为那阔、长、高、深, 并认识基督那超越知识的爱,使你们被充满,成为神一切的丰满。