1. 进一步提高学生对旧约传道书的认识。
2. 看清追逐世俗的财富和权力就能得到满足这个谎言。
3. 帮助学生热爱生活,首先寻求神,不追求过多的东西。
知足, 贪婪, 幸福, 喜乐, 宝藏, 信任, 智慧, 世故
太多了! (活动)
- 我们刚才看到的表演的事情是错的吗?(没有)
- 这些事情是如何变成坏事的?(关键在于,他们做了多少/用了多少。)
- 还有哪些好事物被人们弄得有害了?(有很多--金钱、自尊、自由,等等)。
1. 所罗门列举了哪些他在生活中尝试的事情?(聚会,喝酒,建造东西,玩具,爱好,兴趣,女人,等等。)
2. 他对在这些事情上投入生命后得出了什么结论(见第11节)?(这一切都毫无意义)
3. 在所罗门的清单上,什么东西对你最有吸引力:玩乐、占有东西、完成事情或异性? (允许各种回答)
4. 在你自己的生活中,对这些东西的投入如何被证明了是一种浪费?(允许讨论。)
5. 这些事情本身是坏的或错误的吗?为什么或为什么不呢?(不。允许讨论。)
6. 是什么让它们成为一种时间上的浪费?(把它们看得太重,让它们成为你生活的重点)
我们都认识一些人,他们到处走动,试图在没有神的情况下实现自我,或者用不同的偶像来代替神。 如果对自己诚实,我们甚至可能就是这样的人。第10节说,所罗门对追求这些东西感到 "快乐"。然而,他很快就发现,这些东西既不充实,也没有意义。
所罗门再次使用了 "在日光下 "这个短语。我们必须问这个问题。没有神,生命还有什么意义?
读 传道书2:17-26
1. 根据第17节,所罗门在这些东西上大量投资后的反应是什么?(他憎恨生命。)
2. 第24-25节对享乐是怎么说的?(只要是出自神的手,就没有问题。)
3. 热爱生活,享受乐趣,或尝试新事物是错的吗?为什么?(当然不是,允许讨论。)
4. 我们生活的基础应该是什么?我们上周已经谈过这个问题。如有必要,请看12:13节。(爱神,遵守祂的诫命)。
1. 马太福音6:19-21对积蓄财物是怎么说的?(我们应该把它们存放在天上,而不是在地上)
2. 这与所罗门有什么不同?(他积蓄财物在地上)
3. 腓立比书4:11-13对满足于我们的生活是怎么说的?(无论我们的环境如何,我们都应该感到满足)
4. 追逐东西是如何违背这种态度的?(我们总是在争取更多:金钱、权力、关系等。)
5. 希伯来书13:5-6对爱钱财是怎么说的? (我们不应该这样做,相反,我们应该满足。)
6. 用自己的话描述一下这个世界是如何爱钱财的。(负债买东西,等等)
7. 根据马太福音6:33,当我们先寻求神时会发生什么?(其他东西都会加给我们。)
**** 英文版 *******
Lesson 2: The Pursuit
1. To further the students' knowledge of the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes 2. To expose the lie that chasing after worldly riches and power is satisfying 3. To help students love life by seeking God first and not pursuing too much of a good thing
Contentment, Greed, Happiness, Joy, Treasures, Trust, Wisdom, Worldliness
Scripture Memorization
Ecclesiastes 2:11
OPENING PRAYER (5 to 10 minutes)
GROUP BUILDING (12 minutes)
Too Much! (Activity) Ask for two volunteers and take them away from the group. Give them the following assignment: Come up with something that if you just have a little bit, it is okay, but if you have too much, it is not okay. Maybe it is someone who drinks too much caffeine, or someone who puts too much gel in his or her hair. Perhaps it is someone who spends too much time working out. The job of the volunteer is to act that out before the class. Then have them come back to the group and act out whatever they chose and have the group members try to guess what they do too much of.
General Discussion: • Were the things we saw acted out just now wrong? (No) • How do these things become bad things? (How much they are done/used.) • What are some other good things that people make harmful? (There are lots--sex, money, self-esteem, freedom, etc.)
DIGGING IN (25 minutes)
Read the following passages: Ecclesiastes 2:1-3 Ecclesiastes 2:4-6 Ecclesiastes 2:7-9 Ecclesiastes 2:10-11 Discussion Questions: 1. What are some things that Solomon lists that he tried in life? (Partying, drinking, building stuff, toys, hobbies, interests, women, etc.) 2. What conclusion did he reach about investing his life in these things (see verse 11)? (It was all meaningless.) 3. What is an item on Solomon’s list that is the most appealing to you: having fun, having stuff, accomplishing stuff, or the opposite sex? (Allow for answers.) 4. How might investing in that stuff prove to be a waste in your own life? (Allow for discussion.) 5. Are any of these things in and of themselves bad or wrong? Why or why not? (No. Allow for discussion.) 6. What makes them a waste of time? (By placing too high a value on them, making them the point of your life.) We all know people who walk around trying to fulfill themselves without God or with different idols in place of God. If we are honest with ourselves, we may even be someone who tries to do this. Verse 10 says that Solomon took “delight” in pursuing these things. However, he quickly found out that these things were neither fulfilling nor purposeful.
Again, Solomon uses the phrase, “under the sun.” We have to ask the question: What point is there to life without God? Read Ecclesiastes 2:17-26
Discussion Questions: 1. What was Solomon’s reaction to investing so heavily in these things, according to verse 17? (He hated life.) 2. What do verses 24-25 say about pleasure? (That it is okay as long as it is from the hand of God.) 3. Is it wrong to love life, have fun, or to try new things?Why or why not? (Of course not. Allow for discussion.) 4. What should our foundation be for life? We talked about it last week. See verse 12:13, if necessary. (Loving God, obeying His commandments.)
Christians, above all other people, should be able to enjoy life and appreciate the things that God has given them. Nevertheless, we should not be weighed down by trying to succeed in this world or get to the top. Instead, we should seek God and appreciate the things He has given us.
MAKING IT REAL (20 minutes)
God wants us to live our lives seeking Him. He will fill our very deepest needs and desires in ways that other stuff, people, and activities never can. When we desire the world, we will only be satisfied to the extent that the world is able to fulfill us. This leads to emptiness and despair. However, when we trust in God, we are rewarded with true joy and pleasure.
Read the following passages:
Matthew 6:19-21 (store up treasures in Heaven) Philippians 4:11-13 (be content whatever the circumstance) Hebrews 13:5-6 (do not love money) Matthew 6:33 (seek God first)
Discussion Questions: 1. What does Matthew 6:19-21 say about storing up our treasures? (We should store them up in Heaven, not on earth.) 2. How is this different from what Solomon tried? (He accumulated wealth.) 3. What does Philippians 4:11-13 say about being content with our lives? (That we should be content no matter what our circumstances are.) 4. How does chasing after stuff defy this attitude? (We are always striving for more: money, power, relationships, etc.) 5. What does Hebrews 13:5-6 say about loving money? (We should not do it. Instead, we should be content.) 6. In your own words, describe how the world loves money. (Going into debt for stuff, etc.) 7. According to Matthew 6:33, what happens when we seek God first? (Other things fall into place.)
God is not in Heaven setting rules for us to follow so that we have no fun or enjoyment in this lifetime. There is nothing wrong with money, sex, relationships, or accomplishment. However, we can have too much of a good thing. When we put our trust in these things, when we try to pile up these things, we lose sight of what is really important.
CLOSING PRAYER (2 minutes)
Pray for your students to seek God first and trust Him to take care of the rest.
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