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青少年教程 (约翰福音*第1课) | 耶稣是神



















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读 约翰福音1:1-5






读 约翰福音1:14, 16-18










读 约翰福音20:30-31













•约翰福音 1:1

•约翰福音 5:18

•约翰福音 8:24

•约翰福音 9:25-38

•约翰福音 10:30-33

•约翰福音 20:28


•约翰福音 6:35,48(我是生命的粮)

•约翰福音 8:12,9:5(我是世界之光)

•约翰福音 8:58(在亚伯拉罕以前,我就是)

•约翰福音 10:9(我是门)

•约翰福音 10:11(我是好牧人)

•约翰福音 11:25(我是复活,我是生命)

•约翰福音 14:6(我就是道路,真理和生命)

•约翰福音 15:1(我是真葡萄树)













**** 英文版 *******

Gospel of John

Lesson 1: Jesus is God


1. To provide students with an overview understanding of the Gospel of John

2. To introduce students in a fresh way to the God's eternal Son, Jesus Christ

3. To inspire students to get to know Jesus and allow Him to dwell with them now


Following Jesus, Knowing Jesus

Scripture Memorization

John 1:14

OPENING PRAYER (5 to 10 minutes)

GROUP BUILDING (10 minutes)

Before class, write the following words on some paper and fold them up, to pass out in class. Each student should take a turn describing these items without saying the word on the paper. They are also not allowed to use motions to communicate their item, nor utilize rhyming words. See how effective students are at communicating what they’re trying to reveal.

Write as many as you need. Here are some ideas.

• lamp shade

• skateboard

• horse

• tidal wave

• hairbrush

• bathtub

• rainbow


General Discussion:

• What made describing those things difficult? (Allow students to respond.)

• Did you ever feel like you couldn’t come up with convincing words? (Allow students to respond.)

• When you were trying to figure out what other people were trying to reveal, what do you wish they would have been able to do? (Draw, do motions, give rhyming words, etc.)

• Would it have been easier or harder to describe something you’d never seen? (Much harder.)

In our study today, John makes an attempt to describe Jesus as God. In fact, he does that during his entire book, as we’ll see. It can be hard to describe stuff and have it make sense, as we just experienced. But we’re going to dig in and do our best to understand John’s purpose in writing.

As he writes, let’s remember one very helpful reality—John actually spent time with Jesus.

DIGGING IN (30 minutes)

Read John 1:1-5

Discussion Questions:

1. There are two beings listed in this text. What are they? (God and the Word.)

2. What seems to be the relationship between the two? (They are eternally the same.)

3. What was made through the Word? (Everything that has been made.)

4. What force does the Word produce in the universe? (Light.)

Read John 1:14, 16-18

Discussion Questions:

1. According to verse 14, what does the Word do? (He became flesh and lived among us.)

2. Who is the “we” in verse 14? (John, the author of this Gospel, and his contemporaries.)

3. What did they see in the Word? (His glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father.)

4. The Word is the Son, who came from the Father—God in the flesh. Of what is the Word full? (Grace and truth.)

5. Out of that fullness, what have we received, according to verse 16? (Grace in place of grace already given.)

6. What grace had already been given? (The Law of Moses.)

7. What claim does verse 18 repeat about Jesus? (That He is God.)

8. Why do you think John opens his Gospel with this description of Jesus? (He is about to tell the story of Jesus and he wants to persuade people that he knows what he is talking about.)

Read John 20:30-31

Discussion Questions:

1. According to verse 30, what did Jesus do? (“many other signs in the presence of his disciples”)

2. What does John say is the purpose of his Gospel? (So that we may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing we may have life.)

As we begin our study of the Gospel of John, we want to start with this simple truth — If Jesus is who John says He is, then we can have life everlasting and nothing else is as important as knowing Him as our closest friend.

He crafts his argument beginning in the first chapter—even the first verses—of his book. And in the end of his book, he makes clear his intentions. His intentions are identical to the intentions of this study. I want you to meet Jesus. And I hope that you would believe in Him as a result of what you see.

John’s claims are clear:

• He claims that Jesus is the Eternal Word of God

• He claims that God, in Jesus Christ, came and lives among us

• He claims that Jesus performs miracles and signs to prove He was (and is) God.

MAKING IT REAL (10 minutes)

If Jesus is God, and if He lived among us, and if He proved it in word and deed, then it should change the way we live.

(You may not have time to review all these texts, but the list that follows are verses from John in which Jesus or someone else claims He is God. Expose students to a few of these before moving on. You might simply ask after each how that claim equates Jesus with God.)

• John 1:1

• John 5:18

• John 8:24 (note: in the original Greek, the pronoun “He” is not included)

• John 9:25-38

• John 10:30-33

• John 20:28

In addition to the verses we just read, John also uses 8 “I AM” Statements in his Gospel. This “I AM” language is meant to communicate that Jesus was claiming to be God, as the name God uses for Himself in Exodus 3 is “I AM.”

• John 6:35, 48 (I am the bread of life)

• John 8:12, 9:5 (I am the light of the world)

• John 8:58 (Before Abraham was, I am)

• John 10:9 (I am the door)

• John 10:11 (I am the good shepherd)

• John 11:25 (I am the resurrection and the life)

• John 14:6 (I am the way, the truth, and the life)

• John 15:1 (I am the true vine)

General Discussion:

• Do you think John is clear in his belief that Jesus is God? (Yes, absolutely.)

• Personally, what is it that convinces you that Jesus is God? (Allow students to share.)

We’ve established that John is making the claim that Jesus is God and dwelt among us.

A more pressing question is whether or not He’s dwelt in you.

General Discussion:

• What does it mean to you that Jesus is not just God, but your God? (It means that we believe, surrender, and acknowledge His presence in our lives.)

• How are believing things about Jesus and believing in Jesus different? (We can believe things about Jesus but never trust Him as our God.)

• If you’re not a believer, what would it take for you to truly believe? What would you need to know or experience to be convinced? (Allow students to share, and affirm their honesty.)

It is my prayer that as we study the Gospel of John you will learn, see, and experience Jesus. John’s purpose was for you to meet Jesus, believe that He is who He said He is, and give your life over to Him.

CLOSING PRAYER (3 minutes)

Pray for your students to meet, love, and follow Jesus.

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