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6-12岁教程 (神的恢复*第1课) | 从奴隶到自由 (附中文反馈单)

Updated: May 30, 2023

编者按  这是一套在美国很受欢迎的教材,按年龄共分三部分:0-6岁学龄前儿童教程,6-12岁学龄儿童教程,和12岁以上青少年教程。我们将陆续翻译成中文,分享给大家。 这套教材里的每一篇,无论是教程还是各种活动,都独立成篇,没有先后顺序,大家可以按需要和负担选择使用。 *更多内容岁 


相信耶稣意味着我们可以自由地事奉神,对罪说 "不"。


恢复, 救赎, 罪, 赦免

等孩子(10-15分钟) 活动 | 复兴我




把这节经文读给全班听几遍。然后玩一个 "冻结经文 "的游戏:放一些敬拜的音乐,让孩子们走来走去,直到音乐停止,每个人都冻结在自己的位置上。在冻结的时候,每个人都要和你一起说这节经文。然后再打开音乐,重复这个活动,直到全班都熟悉这节经文。



我们有一个大问题,叫做罪。因为罪,我们的生活、人际关系,甚至地球本身都变得很糟糕。那么,我们能做些什么呢?好消息是我们不需要做任何事情,因为神已经通过祂的儿子耶稣提供了解决方案。今天是我们关于神的恢复的第一课(祂计划如何将一切恢复到应该的样子),这是一个世上最好的消息: 我们可以从罪中得释放。

读 罗马书6:1-4,11-18(从罪中得释放)


1. 如何才能对罪 "死"?(通过信耶稣接受救赎)

2. 为什么我们能过上新的生活?(因为耶稣已经从死里复活)

3. 当一个人不认识耶稣的时候,罪会做什么? (会控制他/她的生活,奴役人,导致恶的行为和死亡,等等)。

4. "在恩典之下 "是什么意思?(接受神对罪的解决方法,虽然这不是我们赢得的)

5.我们怎样才能从罪中恢复过来,成为 "在恩典之下"?(通过信耶稣)

6. 那么我们的生活会有什么不同?(我们将抵制罪,顺服神而生活)

7. 一旦我们不再是罪的奴仆,我们可以自由地做什么? (全心全意地事奉神,选择顺服而不是犯罪,成为义人,等等)

8. 这是否意味着我们会停止犯罪?为什么?(不,罪对我们生命的控制直到死才会完全被打败。但现在我们可以选择不犯罪了)。

结论: 罪奴役了任何不相信耶稣的人--它控制、操纵并毁坏生命。另一方面,救赎使我们从罪中获得自由,并使我们能够选择顺服神。罪使我们与神分离,但祂通过救赎使我们恢复。你是否已经决定远离罪,重新回到神的怀抱?今天你可以相信耶稣,并从罪中获得自由。如果你对信耶稣感兴趣,我们可以再来多谈谈。




给每个孩子一张索引卡和一支铅笔。然后请全班同学列出听到 "自由"这个词时想到的东西,与孩子们一起参与。建议,"没有任何规则"、"可以做我想做的事"、"有权利"等。然后请志愿者分享他们写在索引卡上的内容。帮助全班理解,当我们接受耶稣在十字架上为我们的罪所做的牺牲时,我们就找到了精神上的自由。这并不意味着我们可以为所欲为(即使是地上的自由也不是这样的),而是意味着我们可以自由地选择顺服神,而不是选择犯罪。






*** 英文版 *******


Believing in Jesus means we are free to serve God and say “no” to sin. by Leah Pittsinger

TOPICS Restoration, Salvation, Sin, Forgiveness AS KIDS ARRIVE (10-15 minutes) Restore Me (Activity) Click here

OPENING PRAYER AND PRAISE (5 minutes) Further info? Click here

MEMORY WORK (10 minutes) “For sin shall no longer be your master, because you are not under the law, but under grace.” Romans 6:14 NIV Read the verse to the class several times. Then play a game of “Freeze Verse”: turn on some worship music and ask the children to walk around until the music stops and everyone freezes in his or her place. While frozen, everyone will attempt saying the verse with you. Then turn the music back on and repeat the activity until the class is familiar with the verse.

SCRIPTURE READING AND DISCUSSION (15 minutes) Introduction: We have a big problem called sin. Because of sin, our lives, relationships, and even the earth itself has been changed for the worse. So, what can we do about this? The good news is we don’t have to do anything because God has already provided the solution through His Son, Jesus. Today is our first lesson about God’s restoration (how He plans on returning everything back to how it should be) with the best news the world could ever know: We can break free from sin!

Read Romans 6:1-4, 11-18 (Breaking free from sin.) Discussion Questions: 1. How is it possible to “die” to sin? (By trusting in Jesus and accepting the gift of salvation.) 2. Why can we live a new life? (Because Jesus was raised from the dead.) 3. What does sin do when someone doesn’t know Jesus? (It controls his or her life, “enslaves,” leads to wicked acts and death, etc.). 4. What does it mean to be “under grace?” (To receive God’s solution for sin even though we could never earn it.) 5. How can we be restored from our sins and be “under grace”? (By believing in Jesus.) 6. Then how will our lives be different? (We will resist sin and fight to live obediently for God.) 7. What are we free to do once we are no longer slaves to sin? (Serve God wholeheartedly, choose obedience instead of sin, become righteous, etc.) 8. Does this mean we will stop sinning? Why or why not? (No, because sin’s hold on our lives won’t be completely defeated until death. But now we can make the choice NOT to sin.)

Conclusion: Sin enslaves anyone who doesn’t believe in Jesus – it’s controls, manipulates, and ruins lives. Salvation, on the other hand, sets us free from sin and allows us to choose obedience to God. Sin separates us from God, but He restores us through salvation. Have you made the decision to turn away from sin and be restored to God? If not, today you can believe in Jesus and be set free from sin! Let’s talk some more if you are interested in believing in Jesus. CLASS EXERCISE (15 minutes) Free to Serve (Puzzle) Click here

ALTERNATE CLASS EXERCISE (10 minutes) Freedom Race (Game) Click here

APPLICATION (4 minutes) Give each child an index card and a pencil. Then ask the class to list what comes to mind when hearing the word, “free,” and participate alongside the children. Suggestions include “not having any rules,” “getting to do what I want,” “having rights,” etc. Then ask for volunteers to share what they wrote on their index cards. Help the class understand that we find spiritual freedom from sin when we accept Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross for our sins. This doesn’t mean we get to do whatever we want (even earthly freedom isn’t like that), but it means we are free to choose obedience to God instead of choosing to sin.

NEXT WEEK Come back next week to learn how we are brought from spiritual death to spiritual life when we believe in Jesus. CLOSING PRAYER (2 minutes) Further info? Click here

TAKE HOME PAGE Give one copy to each child at the end of the class to take home. Click here for NIV or KJV [PDF]


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